The Neptshwane Federation
The Neptshwane Federation is a sovereign network of Node Cities spanning Sub-Saharan Africa, with a primary concentration in the Karoo region. At the heart of its thriving economy is the large-scale cultivation, processing, and trade of cannabis and hemp, forming the foundation of its industrial and economic framework.
Each Neptshwane Node City is a self-sustaining, clean-energy urban hub, where nearly all physical goods are derived from hemp. This includes advanced building materials such as hempcrete and hemp steel, as well as food products, oils, textiles, biofuels, and other hemp-based innovations.
The capital of the Federation, Neptaj Valley, is a 100-km-wide metropolis, strategically built around Vanderkloof Dam in the Karoo, South Africa. It is composed of hundreds of interconnected Node Cities, seamlessly integrated with vast hemp farmlands. These urban hubs are linked by superhighways and high-speed monorails, facilitating the efficient transport of people, raw materials, and manufactured goods across the Federation.
In Neptshwane XR, you step into this futuristic world, driving a Superslugger—a massive transport truck designed to haul enormous hemp harvest containers between farms, factories, construction sites, and neighboring Node Cities.
The Neptshwane Federation (Nep-Fed) stands as a pioneering example of a civilization successfully harnessing the full potential of the cannabis plant to create a sustainable, high-tech economy built on renewable resources, innovation, and interconnected urbanism.